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Nuestra PolÍtıca De Segurıdad De La InformacıÓn | Formül Plastic


Formül Plastik A.Ş., which has adopted the principle of producing and designing the best, highest quality product and considers information as one of the most valuable assets, takes all necessary measures for information security in order to ensure the satisfaction of all its stakeholders and achieve its strategic goals.

To ensure the continuous development of our Information security management system within our organization:

Identifying information assets and

To identify and evaluate risks regarding the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information,

Implementing the necessary controls for all assets above the acceptable risk level,

To reduce the possibility of an Information Security breach and to respond in a coordinated manner in case of an incident,

To be able to prevent any disruption that may interrupt business continuity, and in cases where it cannot be overcome, to become operational again within the targeted recovery period,

To measure the performance of Information Security Management processes,

Creating targets from this data,

To minimize our weaknesses and threats through infrastructure, working environment, hardware, software and training investments,

To meet the security requirements required by our business, our customers and legal requirements,

We commit.

General manager